Tuesday 19 March 2013

Spring Break Blues

      School has been out for just a bit more than a week, and let me tell you that I'm thankful for it. I know for a fact I'm one of many kids that hates school. Here are my reasons why:

1. School is boring as f**k. I know it's a classic answer, but there has to be a reason that it's the most popular response. Perhaps because it's true! School is very boring. Simple as that. Our lessons at school tend to be lengthy and yawn inducing. Teachers seem to be aware that kids like lessons where we can personalize their own work and do things we excel at. But they continue to put us to sleep. Why? I understand that they have to obey curriculum and guidelines, but why does it mean we have to suffer? Even doing the most simple tasks, like reading a text book, can be fun. Why not have a volunteer read, and each time the reader says "king" for example, the students must perform a task. This strategy insures that everyone is paying attention, plus it makes things a bit more engaging.

2. Society teaches kids that in order to be "cool" or "popular" you must fit into a cookie cutter mold. Which is a bunch of BS. Dealing with "The Populars" is a task no average kid wants to take on, especially when it happens everyday. From the popular's point of view, dressing to impress and keeping the cookie cutter image is difficult and time consuming. It can take over your life, seriously. Those girls in movies and TV shows that you see loosing their lunch in the bathroom are 100% real. The pressure to be perfect now days is intense and sickening, literally. Some days it's just easier to bail and fake a flu, than to deal with it all.

3. Home work is hard, for most of us at least. Especially when you are juggling family stress, extra curricular activities and perhaps a job. Once you enter your late years of middle school you start getting homework that sucks brain power, and after seven hours of school it's probably a scarce resource. Spring break is a perfect time to go about a relaxed day without having the constant back-of-your-mind thoughts about tonight's homework or Friday's test that you have yet to study for.

      With all that said, spring break also opens up time to feel depressed and lonely, if you're not out with friends 24/7 that is. So here I am, writing this blog, wasting my spring break because I just don't feel like getting pretty so I can call some friends and have a night out socializing. Occasionally I feel a tad pathetic, but then I remember that sometimes it's good to just have some time to reflect upon yourself and everything you've been dealing with. Am I right? Or am I just saying this to give myself some piece of mind?

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